[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Sligo Pricing” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Rock Salt|font_call:Rock+Salt” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:40px;”][/ultimate_heading]
[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Ladies + Gents Cutting and Styling” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Rock Salt|font_call:Rock+Salt” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:16px;”][/ultimate_heading]
StylingCreative Director Senior StylistStylist Junior Stylist
Ladies Cut65.0050.0048.0038.00
Gents Cut25.0022.0022.0020.00
Student Cut50.0040.0035.0032.50
Childrens cut 3-12 yrsN/AN/Adry-13.00
with blowdry-16.00
with blowdry-16.00
Long Blowdry27.0026.0026.0024.00
Short Blowdry24.5024.5023.50 22.00
Curly Blowdry33.0028.0028.0026.00
GHD + upstyle50.0045.0043.0040.00
( parting retouch)
Root retouch + Cut97.5082.5080.5070.50
Root retouch + Blowdry71.0065.5064.0060.50
Root retouch + Floods + Cut113.00103.50101.5091.50
Root retouch + Floods + Blowdry86.8086.5085.0082.00
(colour through to the ends with a root retouch)
from 5.50-10.50from 5.50-10.50from 5.50-10.50from 5.50-10.50
Gloss extra long 15.0015.0015.0015.00
Gloss services not including blowdryfrom 20.00from 20.00from 20.00from 20.00
Colour Change CorrectionBy QuotationBy QuotationBy QuotationBy Quotation
varies on hair length, short ,long , extra long)
from 10.50- 26.00
Easi- Meche Hi-Lites
Full Head Long + Cut162.50147.00143.00122.50
Full Head Long +Blowdry130.50126.50121.50103.00
Full Head Short +Cut151.50129.00126.50111.50
Full Head Short +Blowdry123.50118.5097.5095.00
Half Head Long + Cut130.50108.00106.0092.50
Half Head Long + Blowdry97.0097.0097.0092.00
Half Head Short + Cut118.50
Half Head Short + Blowdry87.0087.0082.0078.50
T-bar Long +Cut +Bowdry110.5087.0086.0074.50
T-bar Long + Blowdry76.0076.0074.5071.00
Balayage and Ombre
guideline prices including toner, bonder, cut and blowdry.
from 185.00from 163.00from 163.00from 163.00
Check in salon for balayage offers.
Express Colour services available from €21.00Ask in salon for more details
12 week blowdry:
price based on length and density of hair

120.00- 200.00
Gents fashion cut22.0022.0022.00N/A
Gent cut17.0017.0017.00N/A